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Geburtstag | Bruce Springsteen | | 23.09.1949 |
| Komponisten, Texter und ProduzentenBruce Springsteen, Jon Landau, Chuck Plotkin, Steve Van Zandt, Ron Aniello, Brendan O'Brien, Roy Bittan, Mike Appel, Trad., Jim Cretecos, Jim Creteros
Seit Mai 1984 kennt ihn die ganze Welt schlicht und einfach als den "Boss". Schuld daran ist einer der einflussreichsten Journalisten der amerikanischen Rock-Zeitschrift "Rolling Stone", der schrieb: "Ich habe die Zukunft des Rock'n'Roll gesehen - und sie heißt Bruce Springsteen." Angefangen hat alles, als er 1958 mit neun Jahren Elvis Presley in der Ed Sullivan Show sieht. Danach überredet er seine Mutter, ihm eine Gitarre zu kaufen. Die verschwindet nach einer Weile in seinem Schrank und erst, als Bruce wieder in der Ed Sullivan Show die Beatles sieht, fasst er endgültig den Entschluss, Musiker zu werden und kauft sich für achtzehn Dollar eine gebrauchte E-Gitarre. So was macht natürlich höllischen Krach und Springsteen erzählt später über zuhause: "Es gab zwei Dinge, die bei uns unbeliebt waren, das eine war ich und das andere meine Gitarre!"
Einige Jahre später hat Bruce Springsteen sich in New Jersey den Ruf eines "local hero" erspielt, und als er 1972 einen Plattenvertrag bei Columbia erhält, kann er aus Freunden und Bekannten eine Band für's erste Album zusammenstellen, die sich fortan die E-Street-Band nennt.
Von jetzt an geht es steil bergauf. Bereits die ersten beiden Alben, "Greetings From Asbury Park, N. J." und "The Wild, The Innocent & The E Street Shuffle" erreichen Achtungserfolge, mit "Born In The USA" wird Springsteen 1984 endgültig zum Superstar. Das Album hält sich über zweieinhalb Jahre Jahre in den englischen und amerikanischen Charts, die beiden Folgealben "Live/1975-85" und "Tunnel Of Love" schaffen es bis auf Platz eins.
1989 trennen sich Springsteen und seine Band. "Wir waren seit Teenagertagen zusammen und wollten mal etwas Eigenes versuchen", begründet Springsteen die Entscheidung. Auch Solo ist dem Boss Erfolg beschieden: 1995 wird er für den Song "Philadelphia" (aus dem gleichnamigen Film) mit dem Oscar prämiert. Im selben Jahr findet eine Wiedervereinigung statt, um einige neue Lieder für eine Best-Of aufnehmen. 1996 erscheint die akustische Soloplatte "The Ghost Of Tom Joad," die an die 82er "Nebraska" anknüpft. Anschließend mistet Springsteen die Keller seiner Plattenfirma aus; das Ergebnis ist die Sammlung "Tracks," die auch den Hit "Sad Eyes" enthält.
1999 kommt die nächste Reunion. Zwar gibt es keine neue Platte, aber auf der einjährigen Tournee beweisen Springsteen und die E-Street Band, dass ihre Liveshows immer noch zu den allerbesten gehören. Zu den aufgeführten Liedern gehört auch das neue "American Skin (41 Shots)," das zu heftigen Diskussionen führt. Der Song greift die Brutalität der New Yorker Polizei an und thematisiert dabei die Ermordung des Schwarzamerikaners Amadou Diallo, der während einer Personenkontrolle beim Versuch, seinen Personalausweis aus der Tasche zu ziehen, mit 41 Schüssen niedergestreckt wird. Bürgermeister Rudolph Giuliani is not amused, dafür erhält Springsteen eine Auszeichnung der NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People), der kulturell wichtigsten Organisation der Schwarzamerikaner in den USA.
Im April 2001 erscheint mit "Live In New York City" ein gelungener Mitschnitt der vorerst letzten Tournee der Band. Sommer 2002 will der Boss es noch mal wissen: Ende Juli steht mit "The Rising" Springsteens erstes Studioalbum mit der E-Street-Band seit vielen Jahren in den Läden. Und der Boss und seine Combo machen da weiter, wo sie aufgehört haben ...
Discographie Singles

| | Titel | Label | Release | | Blinded By The Light | Columbia | 01.02.1973 | | Spirit In The Night | Columbia | 11.05.1973 | | For You | Columbia | 11.05.1973 | | Born To Run | CBS | 08.1975 | | Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out | Columbia | 12.1975 | | Sandy (4th Of July, Asbury Park) | CBS | 1975 | | Say Goodbye To Hollywood (Ronnie Spector And The 'E' Street Band) | Epic | 1977 | | Prove It All Night | Columbia | 05.1978 | | Badlands | CBS | 07.1978 | | The Promised Land | CBS | 10.1978 | | Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) | CBS | 12.1979 | | Sherry Darling | CBS | 10.1980 | | Hungry Heart | CBS | 21.10.1980 | | Fade Away | Columbia | 12.1980 | | The River | CBS | 05.1981 | | Cadillac Ranch | CBS | 08.1981 | | Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town | Columbia | 12.1981 | | I Wanna Marry You | CBS / Sony | 1981 | | Point Blank | CBS | 1981 | | The Ties That Bind | CBS | 1981 | | Atlantic City | CBS | 09.1982 | | Open All Night | CBS | 1982 | | Dancing In The Dark | Columbia | 04.05.1984 | | Cover Me | Columbia | 31.07.1984 | | Born In The U.S.A. | Columbia | 11.1984 | | Jersey Girl (Live) / Cover Me (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band / Bruce Springsteen) | CBS | 1984 | | I'm On Fire | Columbia | 06.02.1985 | | Glory Days | Columbia | 13.05.1985 | | I'm Goin' Down | Columbia | 08.1985 | | My Hometown | CBS | 06.12.1985 | | Thunder Road | Columbia | 1985 | | Janey, Don't You Lose Heart | CBS | 1985 | | Downbound Train | Spacematic | 1985 | | War (Live) (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Columbia | 10.11.1986 | | Fire (Live) (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | CBS | 26.01.1987 | | Born To Run (Live) (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | CBS | 01.05.1987 | | Because The Night (Live) (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | CBS | 01.05.1987 | | Brilliant Disguise | Columbia | 21.09.1987 | | Tunnel Of Love | CBS | 30.11.1987 | | One Step Up | CBS | 02.1988 | | Tougher Than The Rest | CBS | 23.06.1988 | | Spare Parts | CBS | 27.11.1988 | | Chimes Of Freedom [Live] | CBS | 1988 | | Human Touch | Columbia | 09.03.1992 | | Better Days | Columbia | 01.06.1992 | | 57 Channels (And Nothin' On) | Columbia | 01.07.1992 | | Roll Of The Dice | Sony | 26.11.1992 | | Leap Of Faith | Columbia | 1992 | | Lucky Town (Live) | Columbia | 1992 | | If I Should Fall Behind | Columbia | 1992 | | Streets Of Philadelphia | Columbia | 31.01.1994 | | Secret Garden | Columbia | 11.04.1995 | | Youngstown | Columbia | 1995 | | Murder Incorporated | Columbia | 1995 | | The Ghost Of Tom Joad | Columbia | 09.02.1996 | | Missing | Columbia | 16.08.1996 | | Dead Man Walkin' | Columbia | 21.11.1996 | | Blood Brothers (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Columbia | 1996 | | Happy | Columbia | 1998 | | Sad Eyes | Columbia | 25.01.1999 | | I Wanna Be With You | Columbia | 1999 | | The Rising | Columbia | 22.07.2002 | | Lonesome Day | Columbia | 02.12.2002 | | Waitin' On A Sunny Day | Columbia | 28.04.2003 | | Viva Las Vegas | Bruce Springsteen | 2003 | | All The Way Home | Columbia | 2005 | | All I'm Thinkin' About | Columbia | 2005 | | Devils & Dust | Columbia | 2005 | | Long Walk Home | Sony BMG | 2007 | | Girls In Their Summer Clothes | Columbia | 2007 | | Radio Nowhere | Sony | 2007 | | Dream Baby Dream | Blast First Petite | 06.10.2008 | | The Wrestler | Fox | 2008 | | Working On A Dream | Columbia | 11.01.2009 | | Life Itself | Columbia | 19.01.2009 | | What Love Can Do | Columbia | 18.04.2009 | | Because The Night (Live) | Columbia | 18.05.2009 | | Sea Of Heartbreak (Rosanne Cash feat. Bruce Springsteen) | Blue Note | 07.09.2009 | | Save My Love | Columbia | 04.10.2010 | | We Take Care Of Our Own | Columbia | 23.01.2012 | | Rocky Ground | Sony | 21.04.2012 | | Death To My Hometown | Columbia | 23.04.2012 | | High Hopes [2013] | Columbia | 25.11.2013 | | Just Like Fire Would (Bruce Springsteen feat. Tom Morello) | Columbia | 13.01.2014 | | American Beauty | Columbia | 18.04.2014 | | Meet Me In The City | Columbia | 02.11.2015 | | Land Of Hope And Dreams (Springsteen On Broadway) | Columbia | 09.11.2018 | | Hello Sunshine | Columbia | 26.04.2019 | | There Goes My Miracle | Columbia | 17.05.2019 | | Tucson Train | Columbia | 31.05.2019 | | Western Stars | Columbia | 14.06.2019 | | The Wayfarer | Columbia | 16.08.2019 | | Sundown | Columbia | 04.10.2019 | | Letter To You | Columbia | 11.09.2020 | | Ghosts | Columbia | 25.09.2020 | | Chinatown (Bleachers feat. Bruce Springsteen) | RCA | 20.11.2020 | | I'll See You In My Dreams | Columbia | 12.03.2021 | | Dustland (The Killers feat. Bruce Springsteen) | Island | 16.06.2021 | | Wasted Days (John Mellencamp + Bruce Springsteen) | Republic | 29.09.2021 | | Do I Love You (Indeed I Do) | Columbia | 19.12.2022 | | Discographie Alben - Studio

| | Titel | Label | Release | | Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J. | Columbia | 05.01.1973 | | The Wild, The Innocent & The E Street Shuffle | Columbia | 11.09.1973 | | Born To Run | Columbia | 25.08.1975 | | Darkness On The Edge Of Town | Columbia | 02.06.1978 | | The River | Columbia | 10.10.1980 | | Nebraska | Columbia | 20.09.1982 | | Born In The U.S.A. | Columbia | 04.06.1984 | | Tunnel Of Love | Columbia / CBS | 09.10.1987 | | Human Touch | Columbia | 26.03.1992 | | Lucky Town | Columbia | 26.03.1992 | | The Ghost Of Tom Joad | Columbia | 13.11.1995 | | The Rising | Columbia | 29.07.2002 | | Devils & Dust | Columbia | 25.04.2005 | | We Shall Overcome - The Seeger Sessions | Columbia | 21.04.2006 | | Magic | Columbia | 28.09.2007 | | Working On A Dream | Columbia | 23.01.2009 | | The Promise | Columbia | 12.11.2010 | | Wrecking Ball | Columbia | 02.03.2012 | | High Hopes | Columbia | 10.01.2014 | | Western Stars | Columbia | 14.06.2019 | | Blinded By The Light (Soundtrack / Bruce Springsteen) | Columbia / Legacy | 09.08.2019 | | Letter To You | Columbia | 23.10.2020 | | Only The Strong Survive | Columbia | 11.11.2022 | | Discographie Alben - Live

| | Titel | Label | Release | | Live / 1975-85 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | CBS | 10.11.1986 | | Live In New York City (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Columbia | 02.04.2001 | | Hammersmith Odeon, London '75 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Columbia | 24.03.2006 | | Live In Dublin (Bruce Springsteen with The Sessions Band) | Columbia | 01.06.2007 | | Live On Air | Laser | 10.09.2009 | | Rockin' Live From Italy 1993 | Vinyl Passion | 15.01.2010 | | Performance | Northworld | 08.04.2011 | | Live At The Main Point, 1975 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Leftfield | 18.04.2011 | | The Spirit Of Radio | Parallel Lines | 09.05.2014 | | Live To Air | Store For Music | 16.05.2014 | | Agora Ballroom 1978 - The Classic Cleveland Broadcast (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Leftfield | 05.12.2014 | | Live At The Roxy | F.M. | 01.05.2015 | | Passaic Night 1978 - The Classic New Jersey Broadcast - Volume One (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Let Them Eat Vinyl | 12.06.2015 | | Passaic Night 1978 - The Classic New Jersey Broadcast - Volume Three (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Let Them Eat Vinyl | 12.06.2015 | | Passaic Night 1978 - The Classic New Jersey Broadcast - Volume Two (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Let Them Eat Vinyl | 12.06.2015 | | The Fox Theater, Atlanta, Georgia, 1978 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Live Wire | 07.08.2015 | | The 1973 Acoustic Radio Sessions | Let Them Eat Vinyl | 04.09.2015 | | Live At The Agora Ballroom, Cleveland, Ohio, USA 1978 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Livewire | 04.12.2015 | | Live At My Father's Place In Roslyn, July 31, 1973 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Dol | 16.12.2015 | | The Very Best Of Bruce Springsteen - The Darkness Tour '78 - The Definitive Anthology | Membran | 27.05.2016 | | Live 1974 - Washington DC | Livewire | 03.06.2016 | | Dress Rehearsal Broadcast 1992 | Parachute | 24.02.2017 | | Rockin' Live - Live From Italy 1993 | Cult Legends | 01.06.2017 | | New Jersey 1994 (Bruce Springsteen with Joe Grushecky & The Houserockers) | Parachute | 01.09.2017 | | The Darkness Tour '78 | Coda | 21.09.2018 | | Bound For Glory - The Rare 1973 Broadcasts | Cult Legends | 26.10.2018 | | Springsteen On Broadway | Columbia | 14.12.2018 | | Sweden Broadcast 1988 | Parachute | 21.12.2018 | | Max's Kansas City 1973 | Parachute | 01.02.2019 | | The Other Band Tour - Verona Broadcast - Volume One | Parachute | 01.02.2019 | | The Other Band Tour - Verona Broadcast - Volume Two | Parachute | 01.02.2019 | | New York 1975 - The Greenwich Village Broadcast - Volume 1 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Parachute | 08.02.2019 | | New York 1975 - The Greenwich Village Broadcast - Volume 2 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Parachute | 08.02.2019 | | The Broadcast Collection 1973-1993 | Cult Legends | 14.02.2019 | | The Soul Crusaders - Toronto Broadcast 1977 - Volume One (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Parachute | 26.07.2019 | | The Soul Crusaders - Toronto Broadcast 1977 - Volume Two (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Parachute | 26.07.2019 | | The Gap Year Broadcast Vol.1 | Parachute | 18.10.2019 | | Songs Under Cover - The Live Series | Columbia / Legacy | 24.10.2019 | | Live In The U.S.A. (Bruce Springsteen & Friends) | Laser | 20.11.2020 | | Songs Under Cover Vol. 2 - The Live Series | Columbia / Legacy | 05.03.2021 | | The Legendary 1979 No Nukes Concerts (Bruce Springsteen / E Street Band) | Sony | 19.11.2021 | | The Live Series - Songs Of Character | Sony | 21.04.2023 | | Discographie Alben - Unplugged

| | Titel | Label | Release | | In Concert (MTV Plugged) | Columbia | 12.04.1993 | | Unplugged 1992 | Laser | 28.04.2017 | | Discographie Alben - Soundtrack

| | Titel | Label | Release | | Western Stars - Songs From The Film (Soundtrack / Bruce Springsteen) | Columbia | 25.10.2019 | | Discographie Alben - Best Of

| | Titel | Label | Release | | Greatest Hits | Columbia | 24.02.1995 | | The Essential | Columbia | 10.11.2003 | | Greatest Hits (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Columbia | 29.05.2009 | | Collection: 1973-2012 | Columbia | 12.04.2013 | | Best Of | Columbia | 19.04.2024 | | Discographie Alben - Box

| | Titel | Label | Release | | Tracks | Columbia | 10.11.1998 | | Nebraska / Tunnel Of Love / The Ghost Of Tom Joad | Columbia | 28.09.2007 | | Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J. + The Wild, The Innocent & The E Street Shuffle | Columbia | 26.09.2008 | | The Promise: The Darkness On The Edge Of Town Story | Columbia | 15.11.2009 | | The Collection 1973-84 | Columbia / Legacy | 13.08.2010 | | The Album Collection Vol 1 1973-1984 | Columbia | 14.11.2014 | | The Ties That Bind - The River Collection | Columbia | 04.12.2015 | | The Album Collection Vol. 2 1987-1996 | Columbia | 18.05.2018 | | Discographie Alben - Misc

| | Titel | Label | Release | | 18 Tracks | Columbia | 12.04.1999 | | Broadcast Rarities | APX | 18.07.2008 | | The Ultimate Roots Of Bruce Springsteen | Laser | 20.05.2016 | | Chapter And Verse | Columbia | 23.09.2016 | | The 1974 Acoustic Radio Sessions | Big Car | 27.04.2018 | | The Gap Year Broadcast Vol.2 | Parachute | 18.10.2019 | | Box - Legendary Radio Broadcast Recordings | Laser | 24.09.2021 | | The Sound Of Thunder | Pearl Hunt | 10.06.2022 | | Greatest Hits Live | Get Your Vinyl Out | 18.11.2022 | | The Broadcast Collection 1975-1995 | Cult Legends | 18.08.2023 | | Mega Box - Radio Broadcast Archives | Laser | 31.05.2024 | | Discographie Alben - Hörbuch

| | Titel | Label | Release | | Classic Broadcasts | Komet | 30.07.2010 | | Bound For Glory | CRD | 07.11.2011 | | The Story So Far | Laser | 21.10.2016 | | Discographie Alben - DVD

| | Titel | Label | Release | | The Complete Video Anthology / 1978-2000 | Sony | 26.03.2001 | | Live In New York City (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Columbia | 03.12.2001 | | Live In Barcelona (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | SMI | 17.11.2003 | | In Concert MTV Plugged | Columbia | 08.11.2004 | | VH-1 Storytellers | Columbia | 06.09.2005 | | Born To Run - 30th Anniversary | Columbia | 14.11.2005 | | Live In Dublin (Bruce Springsteen with The Sessions Band) | Columbia | 04.06.2007 | | In Performance | Stormbird | 15.06.2007 | | The Boss | Archive Media Publishing | 10.08.2009 | | London Calling - Live In Hyde Park (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | Columbia | 21.06.2010 | | Between The Lull And The Storm | CRD | 07.02.2011 | | The Promise: The Making Of Darkness On The Edge Of Town | Columbia | 29.04.2011 | | Springsteen & I | Eagle | 25.10.2013 | |
Bruce Springsteen in der österreichischen HitparadeSingles

| Titel | Eintritt | Peak | Wochen | Hungry Heart | 15.02.1981 | 11 | 6 | Born In The U.S.A. | 01.04.1985 | 13 | 20 | I'm On Fire | 01.07.1985 | 10 | 9 | Glory Days | 15.08.1985 | 25 | 4 | Tougher Than The Rest | 01.09.1988 | 11 | 8 | Human Touch | 29.03.1992 | 19 | 6 | Streets Of Philadelphia | 20.03.1994 | 1 | 17 | The Rising | 04.08.2002 | 56 | 2 | Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town | 26.12.2023 | 74 | 1 | | Alben

| Titel | Eintritt | Peak | Wochen | Born In The U.S.A. | 15.07.1984 | 1 | 62 | Live / 1975-85 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | 15.12.1986 | 8 | 8 | Tunnel Of Love | 01.11.1987 | 6 | 8 | Human Touch | 12.04.1992 | 1 | 16 | Lucky Town | 12.04.1992 | 2 | 16 | In Concert (MTV Plugged) | 09.05.1993 | 15 | 10 | Greatest Hits | 12.03.1995 | 1 | 29 | The Ghost Of Tom Joad | 03.12.1995 | 13 | 16 | 18 Tracks | 20.12.1998 | 3 | 14 | Live In New York City (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | 15.04.2001 | 10 | 10 | The Rising | 11.08.2002 | 2 | 18 | The Essential | 23.11.2003 | 12 | 11 | Devils & Dust | 08.05.2005 | 1 | 16 | We Shall Overcome - The Seeger Sessions | 05.05.2006 | 3 | 11 | Hammersmith Odeon, London '75 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | 05.05.2006 | 71 | 2 | Live In Dublin (Bruce Springsteen with The Sessions Band) | 15.06.2007 | 20 | 5 | Magic | 12.10.2007 | 1 | 13 | Working On A Dream | 06.02.2009 | 1 | 24 | Greatest Hits (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | 12.06.2009 | 7 | 13 | The Collection 1973-84 | 27.08.2010 | 37 | 5 | The Promise | 26.11.2010 | 5 | 12 | Wrecking Ball | 16.03.2012 | 1 | 29 | Collection: 1973-2012 | 26.04.2013 | 15 | 4 | High Hopes | 24.01.2014 | 2 | 11 | The Ties That Bind - The River Collection | 18.12.2015 | 39 | 1 | Chapter And Verse | 07.10.2016 | 2 | 7 | The Album Collection Vol. 2 1987-1996 | 01.06.2018 | 39 | 1 | Springsteen On Broadway | 04.01.2019 | 1 | 7 | Western Stars | 28.06.2019 | 1 | 25 | Letter To You | 06.11.2020 | 1 | 20 | The Legendary 1979 No Nukes Concerts (Bruce Springsteen / E Street Band) | 03.12.2021 | 8 | 4 | Only The Strong Survive | 22.11.2022 | 1 | 12 | Best Of | 30.04.2024 | 5 | 3 |
Songs von Bruce SpringsteenAlben von Bruce Springsteen18 Tracks 1978 - Passaic Night - The Classic New Jersey Broadcast (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) Agora Ballroom 1978 - The Classic Cleveland Broadcast (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) Best Of Blinded By The Light (Soundtrack / Bruce Springsteen) Born In The U.S.A. Born To Run Bound For Glory Bound For Glory - The Rare 1973 Broadcasts Box - Legendary Radio Broadcast Recordings Broadcast Rarities Chapter And Verse Classic Broadcasts Collection: 1973-2012 Darkness On The Edge Of Town Devils & Dust Dress Rehearsal Broadcast 1992 Greatest Hits Greatest Hits (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) Greatest Hits Live Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J. Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J. + The Wild, The Innocent & The E Street Shuffle Hammersmith Odeon, London '75 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) High Hopes Human Touch In Concert (MTV Plugged) Letter To You Live / 1975-85 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) Live 1974 - Washington DC Live At My Father's Place In Roslyn, July 31, 1973 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) Live At The Agora Ballroom, Cleveland, Ohio, USA 1978 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) Live At The Capitol Theater, Passiac, NJ - September 19th, 1978 Live At The Main Point, 1975 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) Live At The Roxy Live In Dublin (Bruce Springsteen with The Sessions Band) Live In New York City (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) Live In The U.S.A. (Bruce Springsteen & Friends) Live On Air Live To Air Lucky Town Magic Magic Tour Highlights (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) Max's Kansas City 1973 Mega Box - Radio Broadcast Archives Nebraska Nebraska / Tunnel Of Love / The Ghost Of Tom Joad New Jersey 1994 (Bruce Springsteen with Joe Grushecky & The Houserockers) New York 1975 - The Greenwich Village Broadcast - Volume 1 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) New York 1975 - The Greenwich Village Broadcast - Volume 2 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) Only The Strong Survive Passaic Night 1978 - The Classic New Jersey Broadcast - Volume One (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band)
| Passaic Night 1978 - The Classic New Jersey Broadcast - Volume Three (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) Passaic Night 1978 - The Classic New Jersey Broadcast - Volume Two (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) Performance Rockin' Live - Live From Italy 1993 Rockin' Live From Italy 1993 Songs Under Cover - The Live Series Songs Under Cover Vol. 2 - The Live Series Springsteen On Broadway Sweden Broadcast 1988 The 1973 Acoustic Radio Sessions The 1974 Acoustic Radio Sessions The Album Collection Vol 1 1973-1984 The Album Collection Vol. 2 1987-1996 The Best The Broadcast Collection 1973-1993 The Broadcast Collection 1975-1995 The Collection [Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J. / The Wild, The Innocent & The E-Street Shuffle / Darkness On The Edge Of Town] The Collection [Nebraska / Lucky Town / In Concert] The Collection 1973-84 The Darkness Tour '78 The Essential The Fox Theater, Atlanta, Georgia, 1978 (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) The Gap Year Broadcast Vol.1 The Gap Year Broadcast Vol.2 The Ghost Of Tom Joad The Legendary 1979 No Nukes Concerts (Bruce Springsteen / E Street Band) The Live Series - Songs Of Character The Other Band Tour - Verona Broadcast - Volume One The Other Band Tour - Verona Broadcast - Volume Two The Promise The Promise: The Darkness On The Edge Of Town Story The Rising The River The Soul Crusaders - Toronto Broadcast 1977 - Volume One (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) The Soul Crusaders - Toronto Broadcast 1977 - Volume Two (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) The Sound Of Thunder The Spirit Of Radio The Story So Far The Ties That Bind - The River Collection The Ultimate Roots Of Bruce Springsteen The Very Best Of Bruce Springsteen - The Darkness Tour '78 - The Definitive Anthology The Wild, The Innocent & The E Street Shuffle Tracks Tunnel Of Love Unplugged 1992 We Shall Overcome - The Seeger Sessions Western Stars Western Stars - Songs From The Film (Soundtrack / Bruce Springsteen) Working On A Dream Wrecking Ball
|  |  |
DVDs von Bruce SpringsteenDie bestbewerteten Songs von Bruce SpringsteenAlle Songs mit mindestens 5 Reviews werden für diese Liste gezählt. Titel | Reviews | Durchschnitt |
Dancing In The Dark | 201 | 5.19 | The River | 155 | 5.18 | Streets Of Philadelphia | 277 | 5.17 | The Ghost Of Tom Joad (Bruce Springsteen feat. Tom Morello) | 13 | 5.15 | Someday We'll Be Together | 7 | 5.14 | I'm On Fire | 216 | 5.11 | Born To Run (Live) (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band) | 16 | 5.06 | Downbound Train | 63 | 5.02 | Book Of Dreams | 18 | 5 | Soul Days (Bruce Springsteen feat. Sam Moore) | 7 | 5 |
Die bekanntesten Songs von Bruce SpringsteenAlle Songs mit mindestens 5 Reviews werden für diese Liste gezählt.