Persönliche Charts: | In persönliche Hitparade hinzufügen |
Version | Länge | Titel | Label Nummer | Format Medium | Datum |
1:55 | 1st Live Recordings [Volume Two] | Pickwick SPC-3662 | Album LP | 29.01.1979 | |
Live | 2:26 | The Beatles | Historic HIS 10982/11182 | Album LP | 1982 |
Live | Falling In Love Again | Collectables COL 1509 | Single 7" Single | 06.07.1982 | |
Live | 2:04 | The Beatles Live! At The Star-Club In Hamburg, Germany; 1962 | Overseas 38CP-44 | Album CD | 21.09.1985 |
4* für dieses Cover aus dem Jahr 1962 |